The verification and validation processes are fundamental aspects that are addressed in the ACCURATE project.


In the context of verification and validation it is of fundamental importance to conduct testing activities based on the ISO 17025:2017. The ISO 17025:2017 standard assists and defines requirements for  laboratories for the control of quality, administrative, and technical activities as testing.


In the project, the verification process includes the definition and analysis if the test framework, the methods, and the test selection, including faults, are suitable. This incorporates the verification that the testing equipment conforms with the specified requirements. This comprises the verification of the appropriate use of the methods, which rely on the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty as well as statistical techniques for data analysis. The verification that the method used can reach the necessary performance.


In terms of validation several aspects have to be addressed. This encompass the validation of the testing method, specifically, if they are non-standard, own developed or methods used outside their defined scope. This is the case when no standard is defined for the testing activity exists. This involves an analysis on the factors impacting the testing and analysis methods, the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty of the method, the sampling size required to verify that the requirements can be fulfilled, or the test method framework employed for the defined scope.