Figure 1 Lane Change
The ACCURATE project aims to develop a high precision positioning On-Board Unit (OBU) for highly and fully automated vehicles.
Such OBU will be capable of providing high levels of accuracy, integrity, availability and reliability, by combining multiple sensors and localisation technologies. The ACCURATE OBU combines GNSS receivers with other sensors such as inertial measurement unit (IMU), LiDARs and cameras, to meet the requirements needed for L4 and L5 Automated Driving vehicles.
The ACCURATE OBU consists of a Telematics Control Unit (TCU) together with a Localisation Unit in order to obtain a precise and reliable localisation down to a few centimeters at all times. The Valeo’s Vulcano TCU is equipped with automotive grade, mass market dual frequency GNSS receiver and MEMS IMU.
The Localisation Unit includes Valeo’s Drive4U® Locate solution that besides positioning fusion, uses Valeo’s SCALA® LiDARs for point cloud localisation, and cameras for landmarks localisation in a HD Map.